Windows XP Upgrade
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Thread: Windows XP Upgrade

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Post Windows XP Upgrade

    When upgrading from Windows ME to XP with the upgrade version of XP, does the XP install require that the Windows ME disc be inserted or does it require a Windows ME key?

    Also, I remember that the upgrade version of ME had some features missing that the full version of ME had, does the upgrade version of XP lack anything that the full version has?

    Are there any opinions on which is better, the upgrade or the full install of XP?

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jan 2000


    If you upgrade over the top of ME nothing will be required, if you do a clean install it will require verification from your me or 98 disc which will have to be a full version not an upgrade.
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  3. #3
    Registered User format c:'s Avatar
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    Calgary Alberta Canada


    I did a clean install using my WIn xp home upgrade CD. It asks for product verification , SO I just tossed in my Win 98 full version CD , then when setup requested it , I reinserted the XP CD
    It is always better to do a clean install
    Format c I'm givin er all she's got cap'in !!! )

  4. #4
    Registered User Major Kong's Avatar
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    Home: Eagle River, Alaska Work: Chukchi Sea Alaska


    Yep! I did the same as exact thing as format c:. The clean install is the best way to go. No vestages of the Win 9x kernal here .
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