Intelligence is a curse. Ever notice (as a bright person) that people always tell you that you have been given a gift or maybe even a responsibility because of your high IQ?

Ever notice how you and other bright people constantly get flack about everything and anything that is not your fault while morons get a free pass on anything they have done wrong? WTF? From my personal experience, being born bright is the single biggest curse in the whole damned world.

Everyone wants something, NOW. You are held to the higher standard while others skate by with p!$$ poor efforts. You get to work hard in school to get a great IT job that winds up paying didly because morons flooded the job market with their non skills and devalued the positions offered so that highly skilled individuals now compete for lower salaries. You can’t get to be the “boss” because you might threaten the existing idiots who hold the other “boss” positions. You will have one or two kids to the 15 future criminals of America that Berl and Alma had in their doublewide.

Aurgh! How much does a lobotomy cost?