
WinXP 64 Bit Compatibility Guide

We will endeavour to update this list as often as possible. If you can help us with details on Hardware that works, works partially or doesn't work at all we'd appreciate hearing from you with details of the type, model number, part number, revision number and manufacturer of the hardware.

It's also important to tell us the driver version you used (if applicable), the part number (if known) and, if it doesn't function or doesn't function correctly, a brief description of the problem and, if you know it, the cause. Even if you don't have all the details, we'd appreciate as much as you have.

News source: 3dvelocity.com

First Look

Well, I had the pleasure this weekend of getting a copy of Windows XP 64 bit and giving it a run. For those of you who do not know, MS has taken WinXP Pro to the next level releasing Windows XP 64 bit last week. In this article, I'm going to take a first look at what it brings to the table and what you can expect to see once you get your hands on a copy.

There is nothing really out of the ordinary here. Windows 64 looks almost identical to Windows XP 32 bit. However, there was one thing that did catch my eye and that was dual Internet Explorer Icons. The first icon was the 32 bit version of the browser. The second one was a full fledged 64 bit version of Internet Explorer. Side by side comparisons revealed little difference between the two expect for the fact that NONE of your 32 bit tool bars or plug-ins will work with the 64 bit version of the browser. They did, however install without a hitch to the 32 bit version of the browser.

News source: WinXP Central