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Thread: Printer Driver Problems

  1. #31
    Registered User
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    my printer is also not working very well it is working very slowly i had spend
    a large amount of money on it but than also it is not working properly cfan any one tell what shuld i dooo...............

    Link removed by site staff so that you don't look like a spammer!
    Last edited by SuperSparks; March 24th, 2012 at 09:49 AM.

  2. #32
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Welcome to Windrivers shivan

    What is the make and model of the printer?

  3. #33
    Registered User Niclo Iste's Avatar
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    if it's not related to the thread start a new one. Also we can only help you as much as you want to help us. We need to know more than you can't print. We need to know what version of windows, what brand/model of printer, what software it possibly is using, what you are trying to print, and in my position if it's using a usb cord and how old that cord is.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by shivani00 View Post
    my printer is also not working very well it is working very slowly i had spend
    a large amount of money on it but than also it is not working properly cfan any one tell what shuld i dooo...............

    Link removed by site staff so that you don't look like a spammer!
    there's a thing that is called Fixio Driver Finder. it's a program that will determine your system, and will download drivers specifically to it
    easy, you don't have to be a computer expert
    Last edited by Scazy; June 20th, 2012 at 07:30 PM.

  5. #35
    Intel Mod Platypus's Avatar
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    There are a slew of "Driver Finder" programs which are completely unnecessary, and typically try to charge the unwary money to obtain drivers which can be downloaded free from manufacturers' websites. If the driver is not the cause of a problem, it will provide no solution anyway.

  6. #36
    Registered User slgrieb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platypus View Post
    There are a slew of "Driver Finder" programs which are completely unnecessary, and typically try to charge the unwary money to obtain drivers which can be downloaded free from manufacturers' websites. If the driver is not the cause of a problem, it will provide no solution anyway.
    And, let's not forget those that are outright malware.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platypus View Post
    There are a slew of "Driver Finder" programs which are completely unnecessary, and typically try to charge the unwary money to obtain drivers which can be downloaded free from manufacturers' websites. If the driver is not the cause of a problem, it will provide no solution anyway.
    it did help me tho. my brother is an IT guy, actually it was him who advised me Fixio, and it definitely resolved the issue that I had

  8. #38
    Registered User Niclo Iste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scazy View Post
    it did help me tho. my brother is an IT guy, actually it was him who advised me Fixio, and it definitely resolved the issue that I had
    He needed a program to help with finding a printer driver? How long has he been in the field?

    I researched this Fixio lightly, the first hit is for softsonic and every comment on it states this is fake and a rip off.

    With that being said it's touted as a registry cleaner and fix all. Red flags in my book not to mention that registry repair utilities do massive damage that is most often unable to be repaired outside of a full reinstall of windows. It comes with some unknown chat program which seems to me another red flag, and a free unknown vpn software. I did a scan with the program and it found hundreds upon hundreds of registry errors and program faults. When I inspected it these results didn't seem correct. I found entries that were to delete video settings, and to remove traces of programs that "weren't working".

    I ran a quick scan with Malwarebytes as I don't want to wait 4 hours for the complete scan of my massive ISO archive. The results for the quick scan came up surprisingly clean.

    All in all this is still in my opinion a bad program to suggest/use especially with the bad reviews I found. On top of that in the amount of time it took to find, download and install this software and have it scan someone could have found their printer model, gone to the manufacturers website and downloaded the correct drivers for their device.

    Also here is another link that was of interest considering the warnings all over it
    Last edited by Niclo Iste; June 21st, 2012 at 09:56 AM. Reason: Fact finding
    One Script to rule them all.
    One Script to find them.
    One Script to bring them all,
    and clean up after itself.

  9. #39
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    I saw a very knowledgeably looking post by you in a forum about problems with installing a printer and I made a profile in order to be able to contact you. My EsponDX3850 scanner/printer won't now work with my vista computer. It has done before but recently I always get an error - printing message and Epson scan won't open. I've uninstalled it all etc but probably not thoroughly enough, IE in 'safe mode' etc which I am not familiar with.
    EPSON scan cannot be started. Please use the trouble shooting assistant to solve the problem.
    Do you want to open the troubleshooting assistant?
    When i Send something to print the message 'printing -error ' or ' deleting -printing ' comes up thank you!!

  10. #40
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    have also installed the latest scan and drivers and it is closer to printing now than before.

    Never, ever approach a computer saying or even thinking "I will just do this quickly."

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