Pre-empting Platypus, we will get the obligatory joke out of the way here:

Q: Do you smoke after sex?

A: Don't know. I've never looked.

Anyway I am asking about smoking because I am feeling quite sick from working on a smoker's PC, my mother-in-law's. It just reeks (and it's worse when it's powered up), and the inside is gummed up with a thick. gooey mixture of brownish tar and dust. I will probably have to use an electicial cleaning solvent to free up fans.

It makes me wonder about my lungs. In my wild and reckless youth, I smoked two decks of plain, unfiltered cigarettes a day, lighting one fag off the end of the other (he said knowingly indulging dialectical ironies).

I still get cravings for a smoke all the time, even though I would puke now if I lit one up.


It is my pure and virtuous heart that
gives me the strength of ten!