compaq armada 1120 password [DonJ]
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Thread: compaq armada 1120 password [DonJ]

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2011

    compaq armada 1120 password [DonJ]

    hi, i have the same problem posted here "I have a compaq armada with a power on password .how can i remove this and enter the bios to disable it .
    i have stripped it down and can see no dipswitches and have tried remove the cmos battery with no luck ."

    I know that DonJ successfully helped this guy. But the files Donj posted no longer exists.
    This laptop belongs to my uncle, he cant remember the pass. And HP cant help me, because its a very old laptop from a company absorbed by HP and HP support service is really bad.
    I ve formatted the disk in another pc, but didnt help.

    I need help

  2. #2
    Registered User Ferrit's Avatar
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    Vancouver Island The Real Canada
    Actually HP service for that is likely really good.
    I think I can assume you don't want to pay for the help.
    If you took the cmos battery out and didn't disconnect the power cord for longer then 30 minutes it likely wont work

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Feb 2011
    i phone them, they dont know what to do. I would pay, but no for hole new mb. I mean, it works, its only the password.
    If i put a floppy with the battery the computer ask me for the pass, but, if i erase the cmos and i start the pc, an error apears and the computer restarts, if i put the floppy (with the Rompaq) in that moment the computer reads the floppy an enters the setup, but the keyboard is locked, i only have to press enter and start the process, but i cant.

  4. #4
    MegaMod DonJ's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's a shame that HP has deleted those old web pages. Your's is not the first complaint.

    Did you try the other steps listed in post 8 of that thread?

    "Clearing CMOS
    Using F10 Setup to Clear CMOS
    The instructions that follow allow you to clear CMOS and reset the computer to the factory default values.
    1. Access Computer Setup by pressing the F10 key when the Computer Setup (F10 Setup) message appears in the lower-right corner of the screen.
    If you do not press the F10 key while the message is displayed, you must turn the computer off, then on again, to access the utility.
    2. Select File! Set Defaults and Exit.
    All passwords are cleared when CMOS is reset.

    Using Power Switch to Clear CMOS
    To clear CMOS when you do not know the password turn on the computer using the power button. After the computer has started, hold the power button depressed for four seconds. The next time the computer is started, the system will overwrite the existing CMOS with the valid CMOS from the factory’s original ROM flash of the system board.
    All settings and passwords from the last good boot will be restored.

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