Quote Originally Posted by Niclo Iste View Post
Hmmm I think we're all getting carried away here. If we look at it from the outside Anarchy and Structure are just opposite sides of a coin. You need one to create the other and you can't have one without learning from the mistakes of the other. Regardless of what one is the trend you have to adapt and either live with it or make an effort to be part of the change. Simply put and I'm not labeling each as this is an example "Without evil there is no good, and without good there is no evil".

I could live without the extreme political left and right wing views though. Logic is one thing but biased unconditional hate is another. Fanaticism is very unbecoming plus it lacks class & style. There is a lot to gain from keeping quiet and letting a fool prove themself a fool.
Actually, i think I'm a pretty middle of the road kinda guy. What I don't find acceptable is that anybody's politics or religious views should control the way anyone else chooses to live. Sorry, but I think the U.S. has suffered through a lot of years where the extreme right wing has eroded the middle class's earnings, trashed education in the name of "budget constraints", and spent lots of American lives and capital in pointless wars. Sorry if I sound too fanatical; I just want America to fulfill it's destiny and be the shining beacon of hope it was meant to be.