My brother asked me if I would take a look at his girlfriends computer before he returns to uni this September. I was told all that needed doing was to format C and reinstall Windows 98SE because it was running a little slow. So I agreed to this 30 minute job. The computer was brought to me and I was shocked to see the condition it was in. There were no screws in the case, the case was filthy, there was a big hole in the front were a CD ROM or Writer should be. I brought the computer to my work room and decided to give it a run. I romoved the case to take a look inside only you find to my horror it contained the worst possible motherboard that could ever have been installed. It's either an Amptron or PC CHIPS all in one piece of s*#t. Who ever manufactured this board was too ashamed to leave their company name or logo on it. There was no drivers disk with the computer (he said he had lost it) or manual. There was so much dust inside the case and all over the components you could grow potatoes in there and wires all over the place. I plugged in my monitor and mouse and keyboard and proceded to give it a test run and surprise surprise the HD had errors and the boot sector was knackered. I used a win98 boot floppy and reinstalled Win98SE over the existing files which eventually got the thing working after scandisk fixed the errors. I then proceded to locate all the necessary drivers which did not take too long thanks to this brilliant site. Now, I knew I could not leave the inside of the box in the disgusting state it was in so I took the box back downstairs to clean it up. I removed the CPU fan to blow out all the dirt and dust and proceded to vaccume everything else with a Dyson vaccume cleaner. The computer now looks brandnew, I even cleaned all the sludge of the 64meg stick of memory. Only problem now is the damn thing wont boot. The power comes on and the lights flash and the CPU fan begins to spin but nothing comes up on the monitor. The bloody thing WILL NOT BOOT, not even into bios, the monitor does not kickin at all. I have tried a different memory stick and checked all the connections but nothing happens. There is nothing wrong with the monitor as I am using now on my computer. Is there any body out there who can assist me with this problem. I have had enough for today and will try again tomorrow, my head is hurting. Any input regarding this matter will be greatly recieved. Thanks for your time with this post.