I am looking for all Opinions on The above mentioned products, as I have no experience with either one, the firm hired to redesign the entire system at a place I work at doesnt really seem to know what they are talking about most of the time. What ive seen of it, is it crashes ALOT, and they blame it on not enough memory, they are here for two weeks (they came from colorado) and said that there system has 256mb in it and crashes, and that her laptop has 128 and crashes alot more, (obviously I dont believe memory to be the problem) problem is convincing the higher ups these people dont really know what they are doing for the 60 some thousand the company is paying them (plus our company has a place in St crouix and that was part of the deal along with the money, they get to stay there for two weeks) I really just need some amunition if this product really is the crap I think it is, but like I said , I have no experience with it. (Just a side not I argued with this lady one day for like 10 emails about a color laser printer, she insisted she purchased a 300 dollar hp color laser printer and that our company should get like 10, of course I replied with there is no way she has a 300 dollar Color Laser Printer, it had to be an inkjet, like I said after like 10 emails (which I might add she always copies the big wig) the last email that she sent me to say I WAS RIGHT it was an inkjet she didnt copy anyone, surprise huh. Anyway All help is appreciated.