Help me please.
I am a net admin for a school division that doesn't have broadband internet. We are a rural school division, so we don't even have a provider in any of our towns. What I am looking for is a way to get highspeed into our division through either RF or microwave. There is a city about 20 miles from one of the towns, and there are internet service providers there that might be willing to help with the bandwith supply if we can find a way of getting to to our schools.

What I am looking for is either companies or websites that deal with this kind of technology. I have no idea what to really look for, so any help that you can give would really help.

btw- satalite is NOT broadband, besides they are droping us in 2 years... they don't wont schools on it.

sig-na-ture? what is this signature thing?