I just got this email from someone i dont know.
How Weird Is This???
You must know what's been up in U.S. right. Check this out.

It all adds up to 11

-Date of U.S. attack 9/11 (9+1+1=11)
-There are 111 days left to the end of the year
-119 is the area code of Iraq (1+1+9=11)
-World Trade Centers standing side by side looks like the #11
-First plane to hit the tower was flight #11
-The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union
-New York City-11 letters
-Afghanistan-11 letters
-Pentagon- 11 letters
-Flight #11 had 92 people on board (9+2=11)
-Flight #77 had 65 people on board (6+5=11)
THis is VERY WEIRD Too!!!
1) open Microsoft Word type this: q33ny
2) Change font size to: 8
3) Change the font to: Wingdings
And ull c a symbol or image of a plane and the twin towers and also wat looks like people falling. Oh yeah i think "ny" stands for New York but i dont know about "q33"

Have a nice day!