This question has been causing some arguments in the office here.

Why are we advised to swich phones off at pertol/gas stations.

So far we have came up with 2 possible answers

1.The mobile phone could cause fuel vapour to ignite and blow the whole place up - This can be nad espicailly if u are holding the phone at the time. BUT wouldnt the same vapour still explode when the car engine is started?????. So why are we not advised to push the cars out of the station before we start them.

2.Mobile phones can sometimes interfere with the pumps cash display or may even activate the pumps emergency mechanism that shuts the pump down remotly.

Does anyone know the correct answer to this to avoid anymore blood being spiled in this office. <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0">