Let's try to keep this civil because I really want to discuss this.

Gollo asked me to find where in the Consitution it specificly stated Seperation of Church and State. So, I looked.

It does not explictly mention the seperation in both directions.

However, a loose constructionalist would use the 1st amendment which states that States cannot endorse/influence Religions(paraphrased), to logicly imply that Religion cannot, in turn, influence the State(meaning all government). Wasn't this an issue when Kennedy was elected? Wasn't there fear that his Catholic background would influence policy?

As an example: this would be similar to the opponents of gun control stating that the right to bear arms allows them to have an AK-47.

My thought was that religious extremists do, in fact, influence policy. Hence the National Day of Prayer becoming a "Christian" holiday. As opposed to a non-demoninational expression of your faith to divinely bolster your nation.