This post has it all emotion, action, suspense, intrigue and mystery. Sowulo supports these comments with "...a resounding HERE, HERE!!!" Shamus calls it "...THE BEST DAMN POST" I've seen here since I joined." SlyVenom gives it two thumbs up and remarks "...I couldn't have said it better myself" If that's not enough to get you to read it then believe CC_Penguin when he says "Excellent WebHead, just Excellent."

I suggest you stop what you're doing so you won't be the only one who has not read this amazing post. Four respected members have read it and given it their whole-hearted support. Don't deny yourself the experience. Read it now!

[quote]Originally posted by WebHead:
<strong>There's so many different types of people who post here. There's lots and lots of political correctness in some people, lots and lots of defiance and rebellion in others, a tid bit of sensibility in some, and some wisdom thrown in here and there. The PC's (political correctness people) beat up on the rebel's, the rebels beat up on the PC's, the wise try to find common resolve, the sensible try to find compromise, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.
I could post something that seems great to one user, but another user might be offended, or think it's stupid what I posted. I could post something, and one user might reply with, "LOL" and another user could reply with some long-winded explanation of why they disagree or agree with me. And all the while, there's the one liners thrown in along with the negativity and resentment reply's. The list just goes on and on.

Really, the bottom line is this: If your life revolves around Windrivers that much where it's upsetting you (not singling anyone out, just a general statement) that someone posted happy birthday, then you've got some serious issues to work out. Find a hobby or something. If you're a user that doesn't want to partake in Windrivers posting anymore, then leave. Very easy to do. If you want to post, then post. If you've made a friend from Windrivers, then keep in contact with that specific person.

If someone posts a topic, "My desk is brown", then I'll just skip it, and move on to the next one. It really is that easy. And to those who miss the wit and character of past users, or present users who don't post as often, then find character deep within yourself and rise up and show it off. I don't dwell on the past, I look forward to the future. And if I don't like something I see, hear, read, or otherwise, I turn it off, walk away, or move on. If it's affects me enough, I'll make my stand and then be done with it. If it requires arguing, I'll do it. I won't even take it personally. I've said it before, and I'll say it again,.. Without conflict, we'd all be pretty bored. But to sit around whining about it, and doing absolutely nothing to resolve it,... No,.. That's not me. Just my 2 cents.</strong>