Simple question

Should I invite my aunt to our wedding.??

Heres the background.

To put it mildly I cant stand the woman, I dont want her to be there. I am honestly not wanting to invite her to protect Smurfette.
She is the type of woman who comments on everything she sees and does. The reason for not inviting her was a few years back I was at my cousins wedding and she had my cousin in tears at her reception from consitantly complaining about her dress, the bridesmaids, the food, the hall and her choice of music. I swore at that point NOT to invite her to my wedding.
Smurfette says we should invite her to all our famillies will be there, but this is one family member I dont want. I could have a word with her prior to the wedding to keep her mouth shut but I know for a fact she will take no notice and continue making comments about anything she feels like. I know weddings never go as planned and they are always some problems on the big day but I refuse to have Smurfette in tears because something I could of stopped is commenting on her dress and everything else.

What do you guys think