Having an issue with our Novell Server. 5.1 with DS 8. Server had a critical abbend yesterday with a hard lock, no reponse from keyboard, etc....

POwered down and then brought back up. On boot is seems that DS has corrupted itself somehow. Unable to open our databse, no users can log on, yada yada yada...


I tried running a dsrepair and then repair local DB but dsrepair cannot run because of the DS being locked.

downed server, and then brought back up with server -na -ndb and tried running dsrepair again first unattented repair, then advanced repair to no avail. Cannot open local Db because ds is still locked.

opened up config screen and tried to remove DS with the intent to reinstall and restore from a backup tape. But it doesnt let me remove it, give an error -634

So thats where im at with it right now, stuck and unable to remove and reinstall DS, and a hosed DB.

Im probaly missing something else to try, but Im at the end of my stick. Please someone be my saviour and tell me I do not have to reload this damn server...its such a pain to do with the database program we use.