Ok guys, I have experience on 2003 already and I am finding its time now (while I am gainfully employed and have the dough) to go ahead an knock out the rest of my certs. I have been shruggu\ing off MCSE for a long time and I want to go straight for the 2003 cert. The problem is, I went to Amazon (and a couple of other sites) researching which books would be the best study guide. No books I have found have the listing I find desireable. Virtually everyone who has put in a review has the same line.."This is NOT the only set of books you will need!". OK, I believe this is true for a beginner, but I am just looking for the best study guide that will take me down the path the test itself takes. I dont care about trial software and the like coming with the books since I have full access to my own private domain at work.

What is the best book series out there? I naturally lean towre the MS books, but I have heard allot of people talking them down.