I need a new printer as you might have read in my other post and was going to get a $200 business inkjet but just found the unprintable margins are too big for what I print and it would leave white bands each side of the print.

The color laserjets seem to be the only high-volume printers with small unprintable margins. I would keep my current photo quality inkjet for when I need good quality and will use the laser for everything else. The thing is Im used to the automatic double sided printing of the hp inkjets and the color laserjets with duplex start at $2000. This made me wonder if I should get a loan to get a really good $2000 laserjet that will most likely last me many years since I will print nowhere near what a small business would print. Its just that the fews prints I make have 100% ink coverage so I need high ink capacity. I could pay $300/month for 7-8 months or a bit less for a year.

Would this be a good investment? I tend to upgrade my inkjet every year, which I will probably keep doing, but I'm pretty sure I won't want to upgrade the laser quite as often, I'd try to keep it at least 3-5 years.
