I posted this in another fourm. I have heard a lot of people having trouble with this board and the Video. He is my experience. It already helped 2 people that were having na issue...

Here's a weird one with the video.

I was sure my board was DOA, it was all put together fine, but would not boot. PC turned on, sounded OK, but no beep errors, and no screen. I have a Radeon 9800pro.

I tried reseating the video card 4 times and still no video.

Here's the funny part.

I did it one last time, but in my rush, I didn't screw the card in place. Voila, now I have video. After experimenting with it, I finally screwed the card in, but pushed the retention clip button to pop the back in of the card slightly out. This was the ONLY way I could get the card to work. For some reason, when the card is pushed all the way in, the PC still takes it as working because the PC boots, but it just gives me now video.

Hope this helps someone.