
Today I failed to notice that the part of the pavement (sidewalk) I was on was coming to an end so in the greatest tradition of Wile E Coyote, I tried to walk on air and failed miserably.

A split second later I found myself lying in a somewhat ungainly heap in the roadway with scuffed knees and hands and what I thought was a minorly sprained ankle. So I dusted myself off and walked to the shops and finished the xmas shopping I had planned... ankle painful but useable.

Then I went to pick up my son from school - a 30 minute journey in an automatic car. This meant my left ankle got no exercise and in that time became very stiff. Walking into school was difficult. Local doctor is shut on a Wednesday afternoon, so I had to wait till hubby came home an hour later before I could take myself to the minor injuries unit (local ER). By the time I got there, it was taking every ounce of self control to hobble without screaming the 50 yards from the parking space to the reception.

One X-ray later, no I haven't broken my foot/ankle - merely torn every damn ligament between my ankle bone and my toes. The nurse cheerily informs me it will take longer for the ligaments to heal than a broken foot bone

So now I guess we shall find out exactly how much housework hubby really does, because I can't do a damn thing other than hobble to the freezer to get a new ice pack every hour. I am going to college tomorrow, but only for a presentation from our class to our course tutor who is retiring this christmas.

I might even get caught up with my assignments now too!