Originally Posted by DoubleTrouble2004
After an exhaustive search on Google and contacting Microsoft on two different occassions for support on the Add Hardware Wizard error of "Cannot run two device installations", I have fixed my Windows XP.

Solution that worked for me:

Step I. backup registry


1. Click Start->Run, type "regedit.exe" in the Open box, and click OK.

2. In Registry Editor, click File->Export.

3. Specify a name in the File Name box, making sure that "All" is selected in the Export range box, and then click Save.

***(Probably not a bad idea to create a RESTORE point in XP also just to be safe)

Step II. Delete some keys


1. Click Start->Run, type "regedit.exe" in the Open box, and click OK.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup"

3. If there is any key or values named "FactoryPreInstallInProgress", please right click and delete it.

4. Repeat the above steps to delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Factory

5. Restart the computer.
hey, i got a nokia 6500 and connected and inevtitablly my xp didnt agree and now!..., when i connect it it constently flashes 6500 classic crap on system tray, u can hide this by customising sytem tray to always hide but always unhides itself when u reconnect and now recently it seems all that flashing had a reason coz its just managed to tell me it cant intall the hardware quote...

cannot start this hardware

problem installing:

6500 classic

click finish to start troubleshooter

and of course u have no other option to press finish which opens up a website troubleshooter which goes and slows the comp down grr, so the hardware wizard box closes for about 3 seconds then it just comes back up and slaps me in the face again!!, so i go into control panal and clicked add hardwre and get the same problem as everyone else did here, went through the stages of what the double trouble dude put and got stuck at (. Specify a name in the File Name box, making sure that "All" is selected in the Export range box, and then click Save.) coz i have no idea what to put in the box and also everything else looks preety complecated after that, could someone please make this idiot proof for me, this constent window opening in my face is quite unnessercery!! cheers peoples