Ok, this drive is about to cause me to throw my laptop out of the window, so maybe ya'll can help.

I have a Dell Inspiron E1705, it is running Windows 7. It has the above mentioned DVD/CD Drive/Burner in it.

It will read and write MOST CDs without an issue. However I have about 6 spindles of Memorex Lightscribe CD-Rs. This drive will not burn or read them. I took all 250 to work and labeled them, and planned on burning them at home.

When I place one in the drive, it shows that there is a CD in the drive, and starts to read it, then Windows Explorer will totally lock up, if I hit the eject button, the computer goes back to running normally. It does this EVERYTIME I place one of these in the drive, regardless of if it is blank or already wrote. I've managed to get it to start writing the disk twice, both times it took nearly 10 minutes to write 189MB of data, then when it got to the end, it would lock the computer and I would have to eject the disk, then the system would tell me there was an error.

The disk are 52X speed. I also have Sony CD-Rs, Memorex DVD-Rs, both of which work fine, but are lower burn speeds. So my question is 1. What is wrong? 2. Is this a firmware/driver issue? 3. How can I resolve it?

Thank You!