In need of opinions
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Thread: In need of opinions

  1. #1
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    Post In need of opinions

    I recently purchased an Abit KT7 motherboard and Athlon 1200MHz processor. When they arrived I unpacked them to discover the processor socket on the MB had a piece broken off of one side and wouldn't allow the heatsink to clip onto it. I called the business where it was purchased and explained this to them only to be told that it was impossible that it could have been broken when they shipped it as they POST all the boards and processors they ship to ensure that only working parts make it to the customers.
    Now we all know that Athlon processors run very hot and you should have a heatsink and fan installed on it any time it is fired up. When I looked at the heatsink and fan assembly that came with the processor it seemed to me that it couldn't have been used as the adhesive that AMD put on it hadn't been disturbed. I asked a gentleman at the supplier about this and he said they used their own heatsink and fan when they did the POST.
    Now my question. If a different heatsink and fan was used, would it still not require some sort of thermal paste or adhesive to ensure proper heat transfer from the chip to the heatsink? If so, would there be any residue of that paste or adhesive left on the chip when the in-house heatsink was removed? The processor sent to me is as shiny as a new penny and doesn't appear to ever had anything on it.
    Their stance on the subject was, it had to be fine when it was shipped as it was tested and therefore it wasn't their responsibility to replace the board. All they are willing to do is send it in for a manufacturer repair which could take from 2 to 8 weeks. I think you all can agree that in a production environment where this machine is needed now... 2 to 8 weeks isn't really an option.
    If anyone could answer the two above questions or has had anything like this happen I'd really appreciate some input on the matter.


  2. #2
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    I would think there would be some residue on the CPU, maybe it was never installed. look for marks on the bottom side of the CPU where the temp sensor rubs, if it was put in that board there should be a small mark. any reputable biz would replace the board. Please tell us what company this is so no one else gets this kinda treatment.
    check here, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    Computers are only as smart as the user, well... in some cases the computer IS smarter.

  3. #3
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    The company in question is I'm going to call them back in a few minutes to see what kind of results I get today. I'll keep you all posted as to the results.

  4. #4
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    WOW! IF you havent already, look at some of the commnets here, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    try or prices are good and I have dealt with Mwave several times. I have had to return 2 things to them but they were quick to get a replacement to me but I did have to pay the return shipping each time. If they still refuse to replace and you paid with CC I would contact your CC company.
    Computers are only as smart as the user, well... in some cases the computer IS smarter.

  5. #5
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    Just got finished talking to and they agreed to replace the board and didn't try to make us send it in for a manufacturers repair. A lot of hassle getting to this point. Talked to one guy and he transfered us to the RMA dept where we sat on hold and no one answered.
    Called back and found that nobody would answer the 800 number. Finally got thru on the regular number but the RMA dept was busy. (Yep, the whole department. ) Asked for the first person we'd spoken to and was told he was now in a meeting and couldn't be bothered. After forcing the issue to go get him outta the meeting he finally got us an RMA number so we could return the board. Now the only question is whether or not they'll get us the replacement in a reasonable amount of time. We made sure and returned it via certified return receipt so at least we'll know when they received it.

    I would recommend this place be avoided like the plague and I hope everyone sees this so they don't have to suffer the same frustration we have.
    Thanks a lot KBPERF for directing me to <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> thats a nice site.
    I'll let you all know if anything interesting happens.

  6. #6
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    Just to put you in the know dvingar you still could have used a HSF. You would need something like this:
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    These HSF assemblies actually mount to the four holes around the socket. Much more secure if you travel at all. Not cheap, but doable.

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  7. #7
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    Post is very good.

    I just bought a 850 athlon with a gigabyte board. I had them assimble and test it before shipping. I got it and everything was setup. I installed it and everything works good. I say kicks. Newegg is good, if you have a problem they will rma it. (Used to work there I gave out at least 30 rma's a day)

    Do you leak any fluids, do you have any bumps on your rear, do you have any unpleasant odors?
    If you answered yes to any of these then you are not qualified to own a new AMD ATHLON XP.
    If someone ask you if you are running the all-new fastest AMD ATHLON XP, just turn around and reply "WHY YES, AND ITS CERTIFIED"

  8. #8
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    Here's the update.

    The plot thickens as the original gentleman we spoke with at no longer works there. Talked to another guy today who verified receipt of the board but now says that they aren't going to replace it.

    Cut losses here and dispute charges on credit card. Also make sure to warn everyone of doing business here.

    So I wouldn't recommend doing business with this company.

    Thanks for all the input everyone and I hope none of you have to deal with this type of thing in the future.

    Also, Aster..... thanks for the bit on the screw attached hsf. I thought I had seen these before but didn't give it any thought after the "Quest for Justice" started. I'll remember it if I ever need one.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    Central Florida


    No problem D. Hope things work out for ya...give 'em hell!

    Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes of less, or we commit Seppuku.


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