[quote]Originally posted by Lycia:

This is about the stupidest Topic ever. You have problems with some co-workers, post a rant about not hiring women..then proceed to say sorry to offend and ladies? what the **** did you think you were going to do? You think we all just going bow down like your shtupped wife and say "yes dear, you are male and therefore all knowing and correct in everything"?? If you have problems with more than one co-worker, maybe you should sit down and think. Maybe it's you with the problem, maybe you, like most IT males out there, think you are gods gift and know everything there is to know.

My current job has me working under a boss who is quite laid back, he's a he. And next is the Network Admin. Now when I first came on, the NA had some serious issues. Nothing I did was right. Complained about everything. So basically I sat down with him and talked it out. We just got back form a business trip to New Mexico and had a great time both during and after work. And so far we get along great, once we got past his Chauvaistic attitude.

I think the only reason your wife agreed with you is she's affraid of getting smacked in the face from a the neanderthal you sound like.

Kymera, don't apologize for your posts, everything you wrote, excpet the apologies, were right on.</strong><hr></blockquote>

I am quite offended, the fact is my wife could kick my *** if i ever hit her!!! The only thing neanderthal here is your post!

Again, a women getting all bitchy and out of line. Please curb your personal attacks. Especially about my wife. You do not know her in the slightests, so quit it. Thank you. If you have a beef, direct it to me or not at all. You have know idea what you are talking about.