K7VZA Rev.3 and Abit GeForce4MX440
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Thread: K7VZA Rev.3 and Abit GeForce4MX440

  1. #1
    Registered User trinitro's Avatar
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    K7VZA Rev.3 and Abit GeForce4MX440

    I've been using a Nvidia TNT2 M64 video card for a while now without any problems. A couple of days ago I decided enough is enough, so I've upgraded to an Abit Siluro GeForce4MX440 card. That's when the problems started. The system would crash anytime an OpenGL or Direct3D game would play, and even in Windows. The blue screen would always mention the Nvidia driver, although the event viewer will list an ACPI error (writing where it's not supposed to). Well, next I went and found there is a BIOS upgrade to fix the ACPI error, so I downloaded it and installed. It made no difference. Next I though well, maybe reloading will solve it. It certanly helped, but it will still crash. Same video driver error. I'm running out of solutions. I've tried disabling the BIOS shadowing, lower the AGP value, disabling almost everything in the driver panel. I've never had any problems with the older card. Am I looking at a bad card? I did notice there I can increase the "driving current", whatever that means, but the manual gives no info on what values to put. DA is the default.
    I'm running a Athlon 1G, 512MB ram, 20G Maxtor drive, 60G IBM drive, ECS K7VZA Rev.3 board, Abit Silluro MX440 video card, NIC, CDRW, DVD. There are no other peripherals. I haven't really paid attention to the actual memory value on the blue screen of death, but they look the same all the time. Sometimes the game itself just quits. Sometimes the whole system freezes. There are however no no entries in the even viewer other then "The system has restarted from a bug check". Very descriptive. I'm running XP Pro, I probably failed to mention that.

  2. #2
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    Please do not post in more than one forum. Continued in Bios/Motherboards.
    Never, ever approach a computer saying or even thinking "I will just do this quickly."

  3. #3
    Avatar Goes Here Radical Dreamer's Avatar
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    I had this issue when upgrading from a GF 2 to a GF 4 Ti 4400, turned out to be an IRQ sharing issue along with the crappy windows native drivers
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  4. #4
    Registered User trinitro's Avatar
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    I shall look for the IRQ value, along with lowering the AGP to 2X instead of 4X.


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