Games Crashing
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Thread: Games Crashing

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Games Crashing

    Im running a EPOX EP-8RDA+ Motherboard with a AMD ATHLON 2500+ (BARTON CORE), ATI ALL-IN-WONDER 8500 (128 MB MODEL) with 512 MB Ram (Crucial) PC2700 MEMORY, And NFORCE 2 SOUND (Built onto Motherboard).

    I am getting a blue screen with ever game I go to play... I solved the video driver problems I was have but now it is the file NVAPU.DLL the the blue screen list as the problem... But it only occurs with games I can run non-acelerated games or go online as much as I want but when I try to play a real game like Return To Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) Or Spider-Man The Movie I get a blue screen or the game just crashes and exits, Sometimes I get lucky and there is no blue screen.

    Anyone know the causes of this or have a solution?

    I have already tried various aperture sizes, using DirectX's Refresh rate overrides, New drivers, patches, and Upgrading to DirectX 9.0. I have also tried just about ever possible setting as far as ATI's Catalyst drivers allow.


  2. #2
    Avatar Goes Here Radical Dreamer's Avatar
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    If yer using a via chipset, get the new hyperion 4-in-1 drivers, they solve many a problems
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  3. #3
    Registered User Atodini's Avatar
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    Leighton Buzzard

    A few ideas....

    From the spec, your machine should play just about any game currently available, though the ATI would not be my personal first choice..

    You state that it plays on-line & non accelerated games OK.

    Is it only blue-screening when you run a game from a CD? If so, as previously suggested, download & install the latest 4 in 1 drivers.

    Is the CD-ROM a slave on the same 80 conductor ide cable as the HDD? CD/CD-RW/DVD-ROM's are not happy on 80 conductor cables.

    I have found that most CD/CD-RW/DVD drives work better set to DMA...

    Good Luck!

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  4. #4
    Driver Terrier NooNoo's Avatar
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    There is a bios update for "barton unstability"

    A quick look at the FAQ's reveal problems with nvidia but not with ATI, however there is a recommended driver installation order, might be worth a shot.

    Latest drivers here
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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Tried everything that you all reccomended and none of it seemed to make much of a difference.... If you have anymore suggestion they would be much appreciated... Thanks..

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    hey habib, it seems to me that the problem is something to do with nforce2 drivers..

    but thats just what it looks like to me, and from my past experiences with nvidia hardware bsod's

    dont quote me on this, but this what it is imho
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    d- s: a-- C++>$ US>$ UL>$ P+ L+ E--- W++>$ N K- w O---- PS PE Y+ t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e h-- r+ y++
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