Very, very, very odd mouse problem..
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Thread: Very, very, very odd mouse problem..

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Very, very, very odd mouse problem..

    Here's the jist. Sometimes after playing World of Warcraft for a few mins, the cursor will freeze on my mouse. Not just in game but on the desktop as well. JUST the cursor freezes, the mouse still works fine. You can still right-click/click whatever you want, even though you cant see where you're clicking. If you're good, you can 'ghost' the mouse to the start tab, and restart the computer the old fashioned way, in which case the problem goes away. It cant be any power/driver issue, because the mouse still works.. it just the cursor that freezes. Anyone have any idea? Its only happened a few times, but its rather annoying.

    Also, by 'ghosting' the mouse ingame, i can somewhat remedy the problem. In the video options, there is an option for 'hardware cursor'. If I ghost my mouse to that after it froze, and uncheck this option, the mouse now works... in the game only. If I alt-tab to the desktop, that mouse is still frozen and I have to ghost. In addition, when I uncheck this in the game, the 'normal' white mouse arrow will appear on the game screen, frozen, while im moving the game mouse around.

    **[edit] It also seems that I can remedy the problem by reseting the resolution. Perhaps the 'hardware mouse' option in the game has nothing to do with it at all, then.

    Specs, all brand new, PC less than a week old:
    CPU = Intel 3.2ghz, Prescott
    OS = Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Ver 5.01.2600
    Version of DirectX = DirectX 9.0c
    Main Memory = Capacity: 1022MB : Free Space: 728MB
    Graphics Card = NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT
    Type of Chip = Unknown Video Chip
    Video Driver = nv4_disp.dll
    Version =
    Updated = 11/15/2004 03:17 PM
    VRAM = 256.0MB
    AvailableVidMem = 245.0MB
    AvailableTextureMem = 299.0MB
    Sound Card = SoundMAX Digital Audio
    Sound Driver = smwdm.sys
    Version =
    Updated = 06/02/2003 01:42 PM
    Network Card = Intel(R) PRO/1000 CT Network Connection
    Network Driver = e1000325.sys
    Version =
    Updated = 05/20/2003 02:36 PM
    Motherboard = P4C800-E
    Manufacturer = ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
    Version = Rev 1.xx

    Any ideas? Could it perhaps be some kind of IRQ conflict? My IRQ16 is being shared by the Video card, and two Universal USB host controllers. Yes I'm using a USB mouse, this is the way the computer allocated the IRQs default. I was told that just because theres more than one thing on the IRQ, that doesnt necessarily mean theres a conflict?
    Any suggestions would be helpful, this has me stumped.
    Last edited by Celeras; January 14th, 2005 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Duke of Rezin's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Chattanooga, TN
    Did your mouse come with a USB to PS2 adapter. If so, give it a shot.

  3. #3
    Registered User Poseidon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Knoxville, TN USA
    Welcome to Windrivers. Have you tried another USB port?
    The early bird may get the worm; but the second mouse gets the cheese!

  4. #4
    Intel Mod Platypus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Celeras
    I can remedy the problem by reseting the resolution.
    First I'd try changing the video driver, either update or revert to an older version, see if that cures it.

    The mouse cursor is provided by the video driver, and when you change resolution, one thing it has to do is re-initialise the mouse cursor display.

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    you've checked device manager for "!" or "X" already? i had that same problem a while back... I just lived with it for about a year, then i formatted, and it went away

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Me too

    The same cursor icon freeze happens for me when playing Everquest II.

    GeForce 6800 GT (made by Verto). ForceWare drivers version 66.31. I have it slightly overclocked (about 5%) in both clock speeds. AGP 4x.

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    I figured it out, I think

    I think this must be a bug in either the card or the drivers. But it seems there is a workaround:

    If I run either EQ2 or WoW with triple-buffering on, I experience cursor freezes. In the case of EQ2 it's intermittent, but in the case of WoW it's pretty fast and regular.

    If I run with triple-buffering off, however, it seems to be ok.

    Also, WoW has an option for selecting whether to use a hardware or a software cursor, and this problem never occurs when using a software cursor.

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