I bought a Tyan Trinity KT-s2390 to use with a 700 Duron, v3 3000, 128 ram, WD HD, etc. but I haven't got far enough for the periphials to be the problem. The problem is something with the CMOS I believe. It comes defaulted in the clear postition with the jumpers. When I move the jumper to the "normal" postion, I get nothing, no power, no anything. With the jumpers in the clear position, it will power up but no bios or anything comes on. I called a tech friend and he felt like it was a definite CMOS problem, so I returned the board and exchanged it. Now the second board is doing the same thing - exactly. What am I missing? This is my fifth machine I've built but my first Tyan board. If you have any ideas PLEASE HELP. I have checked out the website and found nothing helpful and tech support is closed until Monday and this will drive me crazy by then. Thanks in advance!!!