Stupid is as stupid does....
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Thread: Stupid is as stupid does....

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    New York

    Post Stupid is as stupid does....

    Here's a good one for ya.....

    A woman comes into the shop that I work for, in her hands is a mid-tower case... the system that she purchased just three days before.

    Me: "hello, is their a problem with your PC?"

    Lady: "Yes! there is illegal software on my PC and I want my money back!"

    Me: Illegal software? Lets have a look shall we?

    (at this point I look at her documentation and see that the only software installed on her system at the time of purchase was the operating system)

    Me: "umm... if there is illegal software on your PC then you put it there"

    Lady: "No the illegal software was on there already! I only put America Online on the computer"

    Me: "Why do you think there is illegal software on your computer?"

    Lady: "because I saw a message that said there was an illegal operation!"

    ( I explained the illegal operation error to the woman but she refused to believe me and insisted that there was illegal software on her PC. She ended up returning the PC and paying a 20% restocking fee)

  2. #2
    Registered User amyb's Avatar
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    somewhere in maryland


    Oh my goodness, that is unreal. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" />
    Dyslexics of the world..UNTIE!

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    New York


    Oh, its true all right. The lady was certifiably insane. I seriously thought she was going to punch me in the face. Not only that, but she was also spitting as she screamed. I was going to say ' say it don't spray it", but I held my tongue. Probably for the best as she could have most likely kicked my *** .

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Long Island, NY


    lol people need to learn to read..too funny

  5. #5
    Avatar Goes Here Radical Dreamer's Avatar
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    Fairmont, West Virginia


    Tell her that it was from pron surfing that someone n the house had to be looking at pron
    :::Asus A8N-Sli Premium:::AMD 3500+ @ 2.4ghz:::2x80GB 8mb cache RAID0 Array:::GeForce 7800GTX OC:::2GB Corsair XMS Memory:::500 Watt Enermax Liberty PSU:::16x Lite-on DVDRW:::

    Counter Strike Source Forum and Server @ -=Ninjas Vs. Pirates=-

  6. #6
    Registered User Visgothy's Avatar
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    why does it not suprise me?!
    Coffee flows in my veins...

  7. #7
    Registered User WebHead's Avatar
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    Damn,.. that's hilarious!! But yeah,.. you should've rode it out and had some fun with it.

    you: My God!! There IS illegal software installed here!! I better call the cops!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" />

    her: How do you think it got there?

    you: Well the only way I could see it happening is if a hacker broke your code.

    her: Code? What code? I have a code?

    you: Yes, every person who buy's a new computer recieves a secret ID code that only the government knows about. They use this info to track peoples online behaviors. It's all perfectly legal too.

    her: My God!! What have I gotten myself into?

    you: Don't worry ma'am. For a small fee, I can reinstate your code and wipe out all the illegal files.

    her: NO! I don't believe you.

    you: Ma'am, one last thing. Can you please stop spitting on me? It's very rude and unacceptable. Thank you.

    And then just keep going on and on in that sort of manner...
    Hello World


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